ज्योतिष aadhyatm

भाग्यवादमे नम्रता है। प्रयत्न वादमे पराक्रम है। नम्रतायुक्त पराक्रममे आत्मप्रकाश है ।
the thoughts begin in mind।then the karma begin.so do the work in man first.and the thinking of that karma.that and mind between them there is a टाइम experience it!If u don't have nothing vision about the futur if the good happening u will enjoy but not good then u will be her ted.If u dont like this then try to look in to future-this probability will be help full in controlling ego and depression too!it is tough to say future.u can not win the time!If u are a scholar then don't try to read your effect of the speech.It will be automatically as your experience!Future telling is nothing a new thing!many creatures are doing this!they are telling showing sign about the seasons and nature.Human has memory limitations.Dogs can smell better than human!even very eye sight with eagle we know!
जरुरी है तत्व चिंता की !!

एक बात जरुर है जो ज्योतिष के बारे में निरुक्त में है ! ध्योतिती यद् तद ज्योति: ज्योतिषं !! जो प्रकाशित करती है ऐसी ज्योति !!इसे वेदांग कहा है !! कल गणना है !! ऋतू ज्ञान है !! कब यज्ञ यागादी करे इसीका निर्णय है !! खेतो में दाने कब डाले !! यहाँ सीजन को बता या है !! किसान को कह रहे है बारिस कब होगी !! यह ज्योतिष है !! जिसका जीवन से सीधा सम्बन्ध है !!रूशी मुनियों ने जीवात्मा के कल्याण हेतु ही खगोल विज्ञानं के गणित को साकार किया है !१ उनका परिश्रम रहा है समाज कल्याण !! ज्योतिष इस तरह कल्गानना और खेती याग्न कके लिए मूलत: है !!और कल की म्हणता ही समजाती है परमात्मा की कल्पना को !!अध्यात्म ज्ञान को !!


बेनामी ने कहा…
hi i am lalit kumar from delhi i just want to know for a date of birth and rashi , nachatr name and other think make a man to rishi , sadhu , sant if not so which is the think or work so man go to aadyatm
my date of birth 23-04-1982, my name is lalit kumar my birth time 03:39: 15 delhi lajpat nagar
so can i go to make rishi , or sadhu , sant , i am think a its becouse i got a some power (its a sprit) power its a make a my day is good i have a some problame but its all problam i have befor the problam intusion
so thax
with regards
lalit kumar
बेनामी ने कहा…
my id is lalitkumar02201@yahoo.com
Rajendraprasad Vyas ने कहा…
astrology is a probability science.you do have to go through some kundali collections.compare with them if you find some of the yogas and composition is balancing with them then begin to analyise mor and more.we can not change the direction of the wind but we can adjest our sail that should be the use of scientific view.

इस ब्लॉग से लोकप्रिय पोस्ट

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